普及节水灌溉 发展灌溉用水有效性农业
Popularize Water-Saving Irrigation and Develop Agriculture of Efficient Water for Irrigation
摘要: 我国水资源紧缺,已成为农业可持续发展的制约因素。农业灌溉用水严重浪费,更加重了水资源的危机。解决目前干旱缺水和可持续发展问题,必须走节水农业之路。普及节水灌溉技术势在必行。Abstract: The shortage of water resources has been the restricting factor to the lasted agriculture development in our country. Much waste of water for inigaion has made the crisis of water meura more serious. In order to solve the pressent problems of drought and water shortage as well as the lasted development, measares of water-saving agriculture must be carried out. To popularize the techniques of water-saving irrigaion has been imperative under the circurnstances.