
    Geosynthetic and Its Application

    • 摘要: 土工合成材料是由聚丙稀、聚乙烯等为原料经过一步加工而成,主要包括土工织物、土工膜、土工特种材料和土工复合材料等四大类。土工织物具有透水特点,可用做水利工程建设的排水体或反滤料。土工膜具有不透水的特点,可用做水利工程建设的防渗材料。土工特种材料是为特殊目的而制造的土工合成材料,形式多样,用途广泛,如用于加固地基、护坡等。土工复合材料由两种或两种以上土工材料复合而成,用途也极广泛,如用于防渗、排水、做围堰等。


      Abstract: Geosynthetic is intensively made from the raw materials such as PP. and PE, etc,mainly including four type of geotextile, geomembrane, special materials of earthwoth and com-pound rnaterials of earthwor. Geotextile has the feature of water permeability, and can be ued as drains and anti-filtrating rnaterials in the construction of water conservancy project. Geomembrance has the waer-proofing Characteristics, and can be ued as the waerproof maetial. Special maerials of earthwork are made into the geosynthetics for a paticular pupose, being used widelyin various shabo. For example, they can be ued to reinforce foundations and slope protection, etc.Compound materials of earthwork are made compositely from two or more than two kinds of earthwok materials. They are also used widely, for instance, in waerproofing, draining off water and building cofferdam and so on.


