
    An Equivalent Proposition of Eisenstein Discrimination Method

    • 摘要: 判定整系数多项式的不可约性,艾森斯坦因判别法1(以下简称“艾法1”)是高等代数中给出的主要方法之一。但“艾法1”中所给条件只是一个充分条件,故有些多项式用“艾法1”不能判别其是否可约。本文给出了艾森斯坦因判别法的一个等价命题(以下简称“艾法2”),弥补了“艾法1”的一些不足。


      Abstract: Eisentein Discrimination Method 1 to decide the irreducibility of the multinomial polynomial of integral coefficients is one of the main methods offered in higher algebra. As the condition given in Eisentein Method 1 is only a sufficient one, whether some multinomial polynomials are irreducible or not can’t be decided by this method. The equivalent proposition given here makes up the weakness of Eisenstein Method 1.


