Do Pay Great Attention to the Ideological and Political Education in the Quality Education in Higher Vocational Colleges
摘要: 素质教育是为实施科教兴国战略方针而进行的具有根本意义的教育改革。在培养新型高等应用性人才的高职教育中实施素质教育尤具创新意义。当前形势下,在高职素质教育中加强思想政治教育,提高广大学生的思想政治素质,十分重要和迫切。以爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育为主旋律的思想政治教育对良好的个人素质和民族素质的形成起着极其重要的作用,是素质教育的灵魂。高职素质教育中必须高度重视思想政治教育。Abstract: Quality education is a significant education reform that has been carried out for the strategic policy of science and education flourishing the nation. Under the present situation, strengthening the ideological and political education in the quality education and improving the ideological and political quality of the students are very important and imperative. Therefore, we must pay high attention to the ideological and political education in the quality education in higher vocational colleges.