
    The Study of the Classroom Mode of Physical Education Target Teaching in General Universities

    • 摘要: 针对高校体育教学改革中存在的实际问题和发展态势,借鉴美国教育家布卢姆的教育目标分类等理论,在体育教学技能微格训练模式指导下,探索与之相匹配的切合高校体育教学实际的目标教学课堂模式,进行教学课堂模式改革,使课堂教学实践与教学能力相互协调,促进教学技能等诸多教学因素变革的有效机制的形成。


      Abstract: In the light of the problems and developing trend of the teaching reform,making use of the theory of the Education Target Classification by an American Educationist Mr Brome,this paper tries to find out a target teaching mode that matches the present physical education.It aims at reforming classroom teaching mode, coordinating teaching practice and competence, promoting the formation of an effective system concerning teaching techniques and other factors.


