
    The Forming Reasons of Sandstrom and the Precaution

    • 摘要: 对沙尘暴天气现象的原因进行了分析,并提出若干防治措施。沙尘暴的形成有三个基本条件,一是沙源;二是强冷空气(大风);三是降水少,空气干燥。三个条件的产生,是自然因素与人为因素共同作用的结果。另外,从科研、管理、植树种草、水利基础设施建设、水土保持等方面提出防治沙尘暴的各项措施。呼吁加强生态保护,防治沙尘暴。


      Abstract: It firstly analyses the weather phenomenon of sand-storm. There are three principal conditions of the formation, namely, sources of sand, strong cool air (gale), little precipitation and air-drying. The formation of the three conditions attributes to the action of natural and artificial factors. Then it puts forward the measures preventing and controlling sandstorm in the respects of scientific research, management, tree and grass planting, construction of conservancy infrastructure and conservation of water and soil. Finally, it appeals for protecting ecology to prevent and control sandstorm.


