
    Problems Existing in the Writing of Report on One's Work and the Countermeasures

    • 摘要: 介绍了述职报告的源流、作用,指出了写作实践中存在的将其混同于工作总结和工作报告、面面俱到、将别人之功据为己有、忽略甚至掩饰问题与不足,以及文风浮夸等现象。指出要写好述职报告,必须弄清述职报告与工作总结等的异同,做到突出一个“我”字,围绕一个“职”字,注重一个“实”字,体现一个“述”字。写作应虚实结合,语言要口语化。


      Abstract: The paper presents the origin and function of report on one’s work. It also touches upon such problems in the writing as confusing it as work summary or work report, covering every aspect, seizing and taking possession of others’ contribution, ignoring and even concealing problems and limitations, boastful style of writing, etc. In the end,it points out that, in order to write a proper report on one’s work, the following should be considered:making clear the differences and similarities between report on one’s work and work summary, stating one’s own work according to the facts, combining materials and viewpoints, and writing in oral language.


