
    Analysis of the Reasons for Bank Collapse of Sanmenxia Reservoir

    • 摘要: 黄河三门峡水库库岸受水库蓄水、库岸地质等条件的影响,高岸坍塌严重。塌岸破坏主要取决于水力作用、波浪冲击、水的浸泡、水位升降、河势变化等。采用柔性材料的防冲工程、防浪工程及控导工程可控制塌岸。


      Abstract: The bank of Sanmenxia reservoir has collapsed severely due to water storage and geological condition of the bank.The destruction to the collapsed bank principally depends on water power,shock of wave,water soak,changes of water level and river topography and so on.The erosion protection project,the wave resistance project and the control and diversion project in which soft materials are used can control bank collapse.


