On the Nature of Socialistic Productive Forces
摘要: 社会主义生产力的性质,是社会主义生产力自然属性和社会属性的统一,以劳动生存性质作为本质属性。它是对剥削社会形态生产力“资本属性”的根本否定,使生产力体现出对于人类社会的本来目的和意义,并通过对作为生产力首要因素的劳动者的解放,建立起科学的社会劳动组织,促进生产力的发展。坚持了劳动的生存性质,就是坚持了社会主义先进生产力的要求。Abstract: The nature of socialistic productive forces is the integration of its natural quality and social quality.That the nature of existence on labor is used as the essential quality of socialistic productive forces,is the absolutely negation of the nature of productive forces of any exploitative society and makes productive forces manefest its true aim and significance.The development of productive forces is promoted by the liberation of labourers--the first element of productive forces and the establishment of scientific social labor organization.At present,the advanced aspect of socialistic productive forces is showed mainly in respect of social quality.Provided the nature of existence on labour is adhered to,so is the direction of advanced socialistic productive forces.