
    Mencius’ Ideal of Moral Quality, Personal Fascination and its Significance in Modern Times

    • 摘要: 孟子的人格理想是充实着“善”的美的人格,它既是“仁义礼智”在个体全人格中的充分体现,也是“浩然之气”在个体全人格中的完满贯注,是善与美的和谐统一。孟子的自我人格正是其人格理想的真实写照。孟子的人格理想及其自我人格具有永久的魅力,它们不仅深刻而久远地影响了中华民族的性格发展史,而且在当代,仍有积极的借鉴意义。


      Abstract: Mencius’ ideal of moral quality is enriched with "kind" and esthetic moral quality. It is the embodiment of benvolence, justice, courtesy and wit in personality, the concentration of noble spirit, and the harmonious unification of kind and esthetics. Mencius’ personality is the true portraiture of his ideal of moral quality. Mencius’ ideal of moral quality and personality has a permanent fascination. It profoundly influenced the development of the Chinese national nature in the past, and can be used as reference at the present age.


