The Emperor of Ice Cream --A Masquerade between Life and Death
摘要: 《冰淇淋皇帝》是美国现代大诗人沃勒斯·史蒂文斯最为难懂的诗作。该诗的主题涉及了生命与死亡、心灵与现实的复杂矛盾。“冰淇淋”意象是理解该诗的关键。生命的美好与短暂,死亡的冷酷与麻木微妙地体现在“冰淇淋”意象中。诗中对冰淇淋皇帝权威的建立不可避免地带有反讽意味,表达了诗人无奈而矛盾的心情。Abstract: The Emperor Of Ice Cream is one of the most difficult poems by Wallace Stevens.Its theme expresses the complicated paradox about life or death and soul or reality.Life’s beauty or temporariness and death’s cruelty or numbness appear in the image of ice cream.With the ironical sense,the verse establishes the authority of the emperor of temporal society.