
    On the Moral Education in Network Society

    • 摘要: 网络社会的出现为促进人的全面发展创造了条件,但网络中道德虚无主义与轻浮的网络行为应引起高度重视。网络社会中道德教育要开拓新途径,需要在网上专设德育教育内容,建立具有现代教育观念并会运用现代教育手段的德育教育队伍,并大力推广专职德育教育与专业教育相结合的方式,迎接德育教育的机遇。


      Abstract: The emergence of network society provides the condition of promoting people’s overall development, but the moral nihilism in the network and the frivolous network behaviour should be taken seriously. In the network society, moral education is to find the new channel, that is, setting up the content on the network specially,forming a moral education team which has modern education idea and can apply modern education means and populizing the way combining moral education and specialized education, to meet the opportunity of moral education.


