Who Is It That Creats the Beauty of the World——Enlightenment from Nobodies
摘要: 近两年,文学作品中描写的诸如白芳礼、刘小水、胡嫂等一些小人物虽然自己身处困境,却时时处处在为他人着想的舍身取义的事迹深深地感动着每一个富有正义感、同情心的人,而且现实生活中与此相似和相反的人和事,使笔者进一步认识到:正是这些小人物在创造着人间的美好。Abstract: In recent two years,literary works describes some nobodies such as Bai Fang-li,Liu Xiao-shui,Sister Hu and so on,who think about others in all matters although they are in difficult positions.And their deeds deeply move everybody who has sense of justice and sympathy.Moreover,the similar or opposite people or things in real life make the writer further realize:It is nobody that creats the beauty of the world.