On the Unity of the Party’s Class Nature and Extensiveness of Mass Basis
摘要: 从中国工人阶级的特点和历史使命出发,论证了中国共产党必须在坚持工人阶级先锋队性质的同时,根据改革开放以来中国社会阶层的深刻变化,扩大党的群众基础,把社会其他阶层中的优秀分子及时吸收到党内来,这是时代发展和历史进步的必然要求。在此基础上,以辩证唯物主义的世界观和方法论为指导,以中共党史和国际共运史的史实为依据,全面阐述了坚持党的阶级性与群众基础的广泛性的统一的必要性与可能性及其重大意义。Abstract: From the special features and historical missions of Chinese working class, the paper expounds and proves that while adhering to the nature of the working class as vanguard, the party must expand its mass basis and take in excellent elements in other social strata according to the profound change of social strata after the opening-up and reform,which is the inevitable requirement of new epoch and progress of history. Then, guided by the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism, it comprehensively explains the necessity and possibility of the Unity of the Party’s class nature and extensiveness of mass basis and the great significance, based on the history of the Party and international communist movement.