
    On the Studies of Imperial Translation Institute in the Recent Two Decades

    • 摘要: 京师同文馆是清朝政府在北京设立的用于培养外交和翻译人员的学校,它是中国第一所新式学校。京师同文馆为清政府培养了一批外交人员和翻译工作者,它推动了中国近代教育的发展。在增设天文算学馆时,引起了清政府内部顽固派和洋务派之间的争论。在京师同文馆的发展过程中,洋人教习也做出了一定的贡献。


      Abstract: Imperial Translation Institute, the first new-type institute in China, was founded in Beijing by the goverment of Qing Dynasty to cultivate the diplomatic personnel and translators. It cultivated a group of diplomatic personnel and translators and promoted the development of Chinese modern education. And die-hards and reformers in Qing Dynasty disputed over the foundation of astronomy and arithmetic school.In the development of Imperial Translation Institute, the foreigners’ teaching also made a great contribution.


