
    On Li Ling's Millitary Tragedy

    • 摘要: 在汉代中华民族融合发展的大背景下,李陵率五千步卒奋战绝域全军覆亡的军事事件蕴含着深刻的社会历史意义和很高的审美价值。李陵精兵报国的理想追求与汉武帝的极权意志、李陵“以少击众”的军事思想与汉武帝“任人唯亲”军事路线的冲突是酿成李陵军事悲剧的根源。李陵军事悲剧对当时相关事件和人物,对后世文学创作和人们的审美观念、伦理观念具有深刻影响。


      Abstract: Under the background of the Chinese nation’s fusion and development in the Han Dynasty, the millitary event that Li Ling,leading his 5,000 privates, fought bravely in the remotest area and were entirely wiped out, has deep social and historical meaning and aesthetic value. The roots of his millitary tragedy lie in the conflicts between his ideal, pursuit and millitary ideas and the temporal emperor’s totalitarian will and millitary line. The tragedy not only has deeply influenced the temporal related events and figures, but also will influence the later generations’ literary creation and people’s aesthetic ideas and ethical concepts.


