
    Comparative Study on the Communicative Function of Parenthesis in English and Chinese

    • 摘要: 通过对英语和汉语话语中插入语的言语交际功能的描述和分析可以发现:插入语有多种重要的言语交际功能,如衔接功能,改变话语语气的功能,吸引注意力的功能,填补语流中空白的功能,增强话语表现力的功能,赋予话语以一定修辞色彩的功能。它是语言教学与研究中应予以重视的语言现象。


      Abstract: The paper describes and analyses the communicative function of paren thesis in English and Chinese. It finds that the parenthesis has very important communicative functions. They are: connective function, the function of changing the mood of discourse, the function of attracting attention etc. It is a langua ge phenomenon that should be attached much importance to in language teaching an d research.


