
    Causes of Risks Forming in Trust Trade and Countermeasures of Risks Averting and Controlling in Our Country

    • 摘要: 我国信托业风险的成因有:信托机构违规经营,信托经营机制与约束机制不完善、人民银行监管体系不健全,风险管理滞后,金融法规不健全、体制改革不到位,行政干预较严重等。应采取加快法制建设、优化组织机构、加强信托经营管理、完善金融监管体系、提高从业人员素质、实行行业自律等对策加以防范。


      Abstract: With the perfection and development of China’s socialist market eco nomy,trust trade,being a principal part of finance,has played an active role in expanding financial services and enlivening our market economy,but the risks fer menting in trust trade are becoming more and more striking.This paper emphatical ly probes into the various causes of risks forming in trust trade and countermea sures of risks averting and controlling under the background of our country’s gr eat efforts in improving capital market and quickening the reform of state-owne d enterprises.


