
    Analysis and Resolutions of Common Psychological Obstacles among Students in Institutions of Higher Vocational Education

    • 摘要: 根据Symptom Check list-90(简称SCL-90测试)结果看,高职院校学生在强迫症、忧郁、焦虑、敌对、偏执和精神病性等因子上和全国常模比较,存在显著差异,并且高于全国常模平均水平。由于社会、家庭、自身等因素的影响,致使高职院校中相当一部分学生出现了不同程度的心理障碍。应采取大力开展心理健康教育、建立评估控制机制、做好心理咨询工作等项对策,帮助这些学生优化心理素质,提高心理健康水平。


      Abstract: According to the SCI-90-based results,among students in institutions of higher vocational education,factors such as force,melancholy,anxiety,hostility,hold,and spiritualness show prominent differentiation compared with the national normal ones,and even above the national average level,Owing to the influence of society,family and the students themselves,quite a number of students in institutions of higher vocational education are,in varying degrees,afflicted with psychological obstacles.Measures should be taken to carry out large scale psychological health education,set up evalution-controlling mechanism,conduct psychological consulting,etc.thus, serving to optimize students’psychological quality and improve their psychological health level.


