Reflecting on Professional Abilities Training for the Students of Vocational Schools Once Again
摘要: 近几年来,各个职业学校都十分重视职校生的职业能力培养,但在培养过程中也出现了一些值得注意的问题。对职业能力内涵进行再认识,可以把职业能力分为生存能力和发展能力。解决职校生职业能力培养问题的关键在于要认识到职校生的职业能力的综合性,培养学生职业能力的关键在于提高教师素质,其重要基础在于加强实习基地建设,相应管理措施在于切实实行学分制。Abstract: In recent years, every vocational school seriously pays attention to the professional abilities training for its students, but has also raised the alienation phenomena in its training course. We think that we can divide the professional abilities into existence abilities and development abilities. Solving the alienation phenomena of professional abilities training lies in realizing the comprehensiveness of professional abilities, the key to it is to raise teacher’s qualities, its important foundation lies in reinforced practice bases to be built and its corresponding management measures are to carry out credit system seriously.