
    On Establishment of Social Regularity Objectivity Viewpoint

    • 摘要: 确立社会规律客观性的观点,关键在于说明社会历史发展过程中人的活动的介入,人的意志、自由等与社会规律的关系。社会规律是社会主体运动的规律,不是社会主体观的规律,它的存在不以主体意志为转移。


      Abstract: To establish the viewpoint of social regularity objectivity, we should mainly show the intervention of human beings’ activities in the course of history development, and the relationship between human beings’ will, freedom, etc. and social regularity. Social regularity is not the regularity of social main bodies’ will, but their activities’. And the existence of social regularity doesn’t change along with main bodies’ will, either.


