On the Problems Existing in the Morality Construction among College Students
摘要: 高校在对大学生进行思想道德教育的过程中,存在着将政治教育与道德教育混为一谈、德育教育极端化、以宣传灌输替代养成教育、道德教育的形式主义倾向严重、道德教育理论的主体地位缺失、学校品德教育理论与实际脱节、师德现状堪忧等问题,扩大办学规模及高校后勤社会化改革也带来了一些新问题。同时封建迷信的沉渣泛起、市场经济和对外开放产生的负面影响等都会影响大学生道德建设的实效。Abstract: To do well the college students’ morality construction needs the joint efforts of schools, society and families. This article mainly analyses the morality problems which exist in the education of colleges and universities. It also expounds how the negative factors in the society affect the college student s’ morality construction. Besides, some problems occurring in the family educa tion are negligible.