
    Classifications and Selections of English Teaching Modes Based on the Regularities of English Class Teaching

    • 摘要: 课堂教学可分为“教导、导学、学导”三个阶段。按照“讲解”、“示范”、“练习”三种基本英语教学方法的不同排列顺序,可将英语教学组合成三类相应的教学模式。在教学实验基础上对它们进行量化分析和理论探讨,能够为科学合理地选用教学模式提供理论支撑和借鉴。


      Abstract: Based on the regularities of English class teaching (instruction, gu idance and self-study) and combined with three basic English teaching methods respectively named lecture, example, practice in different collaborations, the ar ticle discusses three types of teaching modes and makes a comprehensive analysis of them in English practices with the purpose of effectively providing the teac hing staff with some theoretical proposals on how to select and employ them appr opriately and scientifically.


