
    A Comparative Study of the First Five-year Plan and the Tenth One

    • 摘要: 在中国经济发展阶段中,“一五”计划和“十五”计划具有典型意义。随着“一五”计划的实施,形成了一个高度集中的资源计划配置制度。“十五”计划则是社会主义市场经济体制初步建立后的第一个五年计划。“一五”计划基本上照搬了苏联制度变革和经济发展战略方面的先例,“十五”计划是中国坚定不移地走有中国特色社会主义道路的新成果。从“一五”计划到“十五”计划,意味着从指令性计划转向指导性计划,从政府是配置资源的主体转向市场是资源配置的主体。


      Abstract: In the development of Chinese economy, the First Five-year Plan a nd the Tenth one have particular significance. The implementation of the First Fiv e-year Plan brought about the highly centralized distribution of resources. The Tenth Five-year Plan is the First Five-year Plan after the establishment of the socialist market economy. The First Five-year Plan copied the reforms in sys tem and the strategy in economic Five-year Plan results from our efforts to sti ck to the socialist route with Chinese characteristics. The development from the First Five-year Plan to the Tenth one implies the change from directive planni ng to guiding planning. Market instead of government becomes the subject of the distribution of resources.


