
    The Current Vocational Education System in Norway

    • 摘要: 挪威是发达的工业国家。挪威今日国力之强盛,与其重视发展职业教育、职业教育体制先进密切相关。其职业教育体制包括职业预备教育、高中阶段职业教育和学徒职业培训三大组成部分。挪威的职业预备教育从基础学校的低级阶段开始实施,循序渐进,贯穿整个义务教育阶段。高中阶段普通文化教育与职业技术教育同时并举,建立统一的综合化的教育体制,开设普通科、职业科和综合科三种科目,高中职业教育发展迅速。其学徒职业培训具有严整的法律、法规体系和管理体制,明确的施培对象和施培体制。


      Abstract: Norway is a developed industry count ry.Its prosperous national power is closely rele vant to the emphasis on developing vocati onal education and vocational educati on system,which includes three parts as vocational propaedeu tic,vocational ed ucation in senior high school and vocational training for apprentice.Its vocati onal propaedeutic is implemented in proper sequence from the ju-nior stage in elementary schools,an druns through the whole compulsory education.The gener al literary education in senior high sc hool is contemporarily implemented with vocational technology education,thus the vocational education in senior high sc hool develops rapidly with building unified and comprehensive education system, opening general,vocational and comprehensive sections.There are strict law and statute system,ma nagement system,explicit fostering subject and system for its apprentice training.


