
    Research and Development of GIS in Survey and Drawing of Medium and Small Cities

    • 摘要: 地理信息系统在国民经济发展中的地位日渐重要,中小城市GIS系统的建立能够为政府部门决策提供直观、准确的相关信息。选择MapInfo作为基础GIS平台,对于城市测绘有一定的优势;利用MapInfo软件的二次开发语言开发综合测绘模型,可以解决MapInfo软件与综合测绘模型相对独立、系统整合性差的缺点。用MapInfo软件进行二次开发技术实现中小城市测绘GIS系统,可为人类交流信息与数据共享提供一种全新的方式。


      Abstract: Geographic Information System (GIS) is more and more important in the development of the national economy. The build of GIS in medium and small cities can provide audio-visual and accurate information correlated with it for government department making policies. To choose MapInfo as basic GIS platform, which is superior for cities’ survey and drawing. Making use of MapInfo software secondary development language to develop comprehensive models of survey and drawing can overcome the shortcomings for the both. Using the secondary development technology of MapInfo software to realize GIS in survey and drawing of medium and small cities can offer a completely new way for human beings communicating information and sharing data.


