
    On Attacking Confucius by Mohist in the May 4th Period and Its Reasons

    • 摘要: 儒学与墨学的消长构成了“五四”思想启蒙的另一幅思想图景。墨学复兴与近代以来中华民族危机的历史语境和“回应”西学有着深刻的内在关联。“尊墨抑儒”现象则说明“五四”思想启蒙并没有越出传统文化自我调整的结构边界。


      Abstract: Attacking Mohist school and upholding Mohist school is another outstanding phenomenon in the May 4th new culture movement. The reason why Mohist school is upheld has a tight connection with the crisis of Chinese people as well as answering to the west culture. The phenomenon indicates that the enlightenment in the May 4th period is not out of but within the Chinese traditional framework.


