Toward the Means for English Punning
摘要: 英语双关手段大致可以从语言符号的音、义、形角度分为三大类别。语音手段包含同音异形异义词、词组、语段以及近音异形异义词、词组或语段。语义手段存在于词汇、句法和语篇三个层面。形式手段双关一是对语言符号的歪曲理解或解释,二是图示形式的使用。Abstract: In response to the three properties of language, the various means for English punning can be categorized in terms of phonology, semantics and graphology. The phonological means can be further divided into the homophonic words, phrases, formations and mimetic equivalents. The semantic means for English punning exist on lexical, syntactical, and contextual levels. The graphic means for English punning are seen in the distorted explanation and visual exploitation of semiotic symbols.