
    A Research into the Explanation of Character“Bed” in Li Bai's Poem Quiet Night Thoughts

    • 摘要: 《静夜思》是李白的著名诗篇。许多诗歌研究者和读者认为该诗第一句意为“我看见月光照在床前”。该句理解为“我看到月光照在井栏上”似更佳。古典诗问中若干类似的例句可以印证。但是,辨别两种不同解释并不意味着孰是孰非。仁者见仁,智者见智。对诗句的含义常有不同的见解。因此,“睡床”说与“井床”说可以并存。


      Abstract: Quiet Night Thoughts is a famous poem of Li Bai.Many research workers and poem readers consider that the first line of this poem means“I see the moonlight before my bed”.It is better to translate this line into “I see the moonlight around the well railings”.A few similar examples taken from ancient poems and Ci-poems can prove it.To distinguish two different meanings does not mean that one is right and the other is wrong.The virtuous see virtue and the wise see wisdoms.Poems are often explained with different views.Therefore, the explanation of “sleeping bed”and the explanation of “well railings”will exist simultaneously.


