
    On Humanity of Chinese Education

    • 摘要: 语文教育人道化问题是将学生培养成人而非工具的问题。语文教育有利于实现人的自我存在与社会存在的统一,语文教育外化为人的精神自由,便是语文教育的人道化或个性化。实现语文教育的人道化或个性化,实现语文教育的个别化与个体化,使学校语文教育更具个性特色,并让这三者联成一体,就能共同奏出语文教育人道化华美的乐章。


      Abstract: Humanity of Chinese education is not to developa student to a tool but a man. Chinese education has advantage to realize the Union of a man’s se lf- existence and social existence. To realize humanity or personality and individualization of Chinese education, to make the school Chinese education show pe rsonality, and to unite these three parts into one, then we can make humanity of Chinese education become true and wonderful.


