
    Discussion on Characteristics of Writing Type of Novel in the New Period

    • 摘要: 我国新时期小说创作呈现出两种新的独立的文学叙述方式与结构方式:意识流与生活流。由于意识形态的原因,我国的“意识流”创作被单纯地看作一种技巧而浅尝辄止,没有深入发展。在“生活流”小说创作中,由于知识分子放弃了干预生活的努力,从积极的人文立场上退却,一种极端世俗主义、物质主义和功利主义的精神倾向在滋生、蔓延,应当引起人们的警惕。


      Abstract: Compared with the traditional plot structure, there are two kinds of new independent literature narrative way and structure way of the novel existed of our country in the new period: stream of consciousness and the life stream. Because of the reason of ideology,the creation of the “ stream of consciousne ss” has not deepened development in our country. However, during the creation of life stream, we must watch out for the multiplication of the inclination to the utilitarianism, materialism, etc.


