The Structural Optimum Design of the Prestressed U-shell Flumes
摘要: 建立了预应力U型渡槽结构优化设计的数学模型和物理模型,采用混合离散变量优化设计方法,研制了结构优化设计程序,实现了预应力U型渡槽的结构优化设计。以某工程为例,说明了该方法的经济有效性。Abstract: The mathematical model of structural optimum design of the prestressed U-shell flumes is built.The theory and the construct application of the constrained nonlinear mixed discrete optimum design are introduced.A program of structural optimum design of the prestressed U-shell flumes is made.Comparing with the general design,a salient economic benefit can be obtained by using the optimum design of the prestressed U-shell flumes.