
    Research on the Sustainable Development of Ecological Water Supply of the Yellow River of Zhengzhou

    • 摘要: 通过引用黄河水为郑州市区河流补充水量,将会大大改善郑州市区的生态环境,不但能给广大市民提供一个良好的工作和生活环境,而且将提高城市品位,带来无限商机,促进郑州经济、社会可持续发展。


      Abstract: Diverting the water from the Yellow River to feed Zhengzhou downto wn rivers will improve greatly the ecological environment of Zhengzhou downtown.This not only can provide a good working and living environment for numerous town speople,but also can raise the quality of the city,bring limitless business opportunities,and promote the sustainable development of economy and society of Zhengzhou.


