
    Study on the Normal Practical Teaching of Hydroelectric Project of the Water Conservancy

    • 摘要: 专业实践教学在高职水利水电工程教学人才培养中有重要意义,按照高职高专教育人才培养要求,针对专业实践教学中认识实习存在的问题,应从作好实习准备、精心组织、合理安排、规范认识实习环节、加强管理、严把成绩评定关等方面加以改进。实践证明,这样做有利于提高学生认识实习的质量。


      Abstract: According to the requirment of major education for high commission of the professorship,we have analyzed the problems existing in the major practical teaching and have proposed the normal management model,whose main tasks include preparing for the practice,getting major knowledge ready according to the reality,strengthening the management of the whole process,strictly estimating the score and arranging the design precisely.The teaching practices proved that this method could facilite the applicable ability of the student and the teaching quality.


