Study of Process for Wet Spray Method of Concrete in Dahuofang Reservoir’s Water Distribution Project
摘要: 大伙房水库输水工程使用TBM隧洞掘进机进行挖洞工程施工,进行了衬砌支护的喷射混凝土施工工艺及参数的研究。通过对钢纤维、聚丙烯纤维喷射混凝土的施工工艺研究,得出适合本地区喷射混凝土的施工工艺参数,可供其他类似地区参考。Abstract: In the Dahuofang reservoir water distribution project,the TBM tunnel tunneling machine is used.This article mainly introduces the lining supports’ spray method and its parameter.From the spray method study of steel fiber and polypropylene fiber to get the proper technics which are suitable for this area,then to be the reference to other similar areas.