Revelation on Vocational and Technical Education Ideas in the Developed Countries
摘要: 职业技术教育在发达国家很受重视。从发达国家职业技术教育理念中我们得到的启示是:将人文素质教育贯穿职业技术教育的始终,使受教育者增强社会交往和与他人沟通、合作的能力,注重创新能力的培养,注重培养学生的实践能力和个性特长;以就业为导向;受教育者的需求被作为职业技术教育的主导内容。应借鉴国外先进经验,积极发展我国职业技术教育,尽快使我国职业技术教育纳入国际化轨道。Abstract: In the developed countries,much attention is attached to the vocational and technical education.We derive much inspiration from their educational ideas.The humanism quality education takes up a very important position in the overall developing plan of these countries.The cultivation of creativity is thought of to be the basic tendency of valuation.The demand of people receiving education is regarded as its leading contents.Therefore we should learn the advanced experience from the foreign countries,to greatly develop the vocational and technical education of our country and get it onto the international track as soon as possible.