On the Effects of Literature Appreciation in College Students’Mental Health
摘要: 健康的心理品质离不开人文精神的陶养。心理健康教育中结合文学欣赏可以提高大学生的人文素养,陶冶他们的情操,砥砺他们的意志,提高他们的人生境界,促进健康心理品质的形成。文学欣赏在心理健康教育中所起的作用是其他教育所不能替代的。Abstract: The health mental quality can’t be divorced from humanistic spirit edification.Combining litera——ture appreciation in mental health education can improve college students humanistic attainment,edify their sentiment,encourage their volition,improve their life realm and advance the formation of their healthy mental quality.So the literature appreciation is important in mental health education and its effects can’t be substituted by other education.