Use the Accident Tree Model to Calculate the Burst Probability of Rockfill Dam
摘要: 土石坝溃决的原因很多,不同地区、地质、流域、坝型等情况差异较大。利用事故树的基本原理,分析各种事件与土石坝溃决之间的关系,形成模型事件树状结构关系,构建土石坝溃决概率的数学模型,为计算机编程开发土石坝系统安全评价的软件提供了一个理论平台。Abstract: There are many reasons for the burst of rockfill dam,such as: di ff erent areas,different geology,different drainage areas,different dam types and so on.Based on the accident tree principium,we analyze the relations of dif ferent events and burst of rockfill dam,the relations of forming the model eve nt tree structure,and establish a mathamatical model of burst probability of roc kfill dam.To supply a theory platform for developing a software of rockfill dam safty estimation.