Study on Impact of Globalization Times Culture in Our Comprehensive National Power
摘要: 在全球化时代,作为文化有机构成的科学技术、教育、民族精神在综合国力竞争中发挥着不可替代的作用。科学技术在综合国力构成诸要素中具有先导性作用,教育为提升综合国力提供强大的智力支持,民族精神的强大社会凝聚功能是提升综合国力的精神动力。Abstract: In the globalization times,science and technology,education and ethos as the ingredients of culture play an important role which can’t be substit uted in the competition of comprehensive national power.Science and technology play a guiding role among them,while education providing great intelligent supp orts and the great cohesion function of ethos is the spirit power to strengthen the comprehensive national power.