Study on Symmetric and Asymmetric Reinforcement Problems of Compression Member
摘要: 通过对大偏心受压构件配筋计算和理论分析,得出大偏心受压柱对称配筋的钢筋总用量较非对称配筋增加不多,以及当压力P>fcbξbh0/γd采用对称配筋时,非对称配筋的大偏心受压,会转化为小偏心受压的结论。Abstract: By calculating and theoretically analyzing,we can draw the conclusion that the total amount of reinforcement steel bar of symmetric reinforcement of great eccentric member than the asymmetric reinforcement's is small,and the great eccentric compression member with asymmetric reinforcement may turn into the small one with symmetric reinforcement when the pressure P>fcbξbh0/rd.