Role Character Feature Research in Three Systems of Ba Jin’s 《Torrent》 Trilogy
摘要: 在“五四”潮流的激荡下,高家的各种人物在错综复杂的矛盾中大体形成了三个体系。以高老太爷和克明为代表的高家卫道者,虚伪、凶残、腐朽,但面对封建大厦将倾的情势又显得痛苦、无奈,不得不妥协,似乎还有点人性的忏悔。以觉慧为代表的觉醒青年,虽然显出了幼稚、犹豫,但其主要性格特征是大胆地反抗和对革命的追求。在新旧夹缝中长大的觉新,则成为矛盾和痛苦两难形象的典型代表。Abstract: Due to the influence of the "May Fourth" movement,the people of the Gao’s formed three systems under the complicated contradictions.On behalf of defencers in the Gao’s,grandpa Gao and Keming are fierce and cruel,sham and obsolete.They also felt agony,helpless and some humanity penitence but to compromise the fact that the feudalization would appear.On behalf of the consciousness youth,Juewei and others showed their infantility and scruple.But their main character features are brave resistance and the seek of revolution.Influenced by new society and old one,Juexin was the classical representative under the circumstance of contradiction and agony.