
    Inheritance and Innovation of Editing & Publishing Industry of Historiography of Song Dynasty

    • 摘要: 宋代在对历史资料和书籍的编辑方面,在继承前人成果、经验、方法的基础上加以创新,建立了一套完整的历史编纂学体系,在史料编纂方面取得了重要成果;创立了"纪事本末体"和"纲目体"的史书编纂新体式;郑樵的《通志》在纪传体通史方面有重大的继承与创新,"自成一家言"。


      Abstract: On the base of the inheritance of predecessor’s results,experiences and methods and some innovations,a set of complete system for the historical compilation knowledge was established in Song Dynasty on the compilation of historical material and books.The new compilation style of history books—"the history present in separate accounts of important events" and "the detailed outline" were created.The significant inheritance and innovation were made by Zheng Qiao in his General Annuals in terms of the general history presented in a series of biographies,"Having a style of his own system of thoughts".


