Seeing the Cultural Differences of Chinese and Western from Different Reports Narrative Style
摘要: 新闻报道叙事形式的不同直接影响受众的理解和判断,而就表达层次来说,不同的叙事模式的表达是与这种语言及所处的文化、社会信息因素息息相关的。文化的不同会带来语言结构的不同,而语言结构又真实客观地反映了所处环境的人的思维形式。把握好中英文叙事语言模式的不同,将会对叙事技巧产生很大的影响,并且是做好中西融通的前提和关键。Abstract: The reports narrative style can charge the understandings and judgments of the people.From the further expressive level,different narrative styles have the close relationship with different cultures and social factors of this language.Different cultures bring different language structures and the language structures will reflect people’s thinking model truly and objectively.It is the important points and premise of the eastern-western understandings if we can hold the key points between the English-Chinese language structures of narrative style correctly.We will gain more narrative skills and we can make better works on news reports.