
    Research on Curriculum Integration on Hydropower Engineering Major of Higher Vocational Education Based on CBVE

    • 摘要: 基于能力本位的职业教育思想,遵循"以就业为导向,以技术应用能力为主线"的高等职业教育理念,结合浙江水利和本校水工专业建设的实际,按照"实用为先、够用为度"的原则,整合开发专业课程。整合后的高职水工专业课程体系教学目标明确、实用性和针对性强,凸显高职教育的不可替代性。


      Abstract: Based on the theory of CBVE(Competence Based Vocational Education),with the water resources and hydropower engineering of Zhejiang province and the major construction of our college,following the higher vocational education idea of "Job-oriented and Practice-oriented Education",and according to the rule of "Practical and Enough," this paper gives some suggestions on integrating the water resources and hydropower engineering major’s courses.The new hydropower engineering major curriculum system is more practical and helpful,highlighting the unique and irreplaceable position of higher vocational education.


