
    Discussion on Application of Textnote to Reference Literature Indexing

    • 摘要: 夹注是我国传统文献注解的一种形式。其内涵因编辑出版印刷业的发展而不断延伸、扩大,给书籍、文章等各类文献的著述带来了很大的方便。但是上世纪末,由于《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》广泛推行,"夹注"基本上被弃用,给学术论文尤其是涉及古籍的社科类学术论文的著述带来了诸多不便。教育部规范《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》和国家标准《文后参考文献著录规则》发布以来,一些问题逐渐显露。应当积极研究夹注在参考文献标引中的意义和价值,通过夹注内容的精简、改进和参考文献的统一、归并,使夹注与参考文献的标引结合起来,充分发挥其在我国学术期刊标准化、规范化、国际化进程中的独特作用。


      Abstract: The textnote is one kind of our Chiness traditional literature annotations.The connotation of textnote is becoming extended with the development of edit publication printing industry,which is convenient to the writing of different literatures,such as books,articles etc..With the spread of Data Norm for Retrieval and Evaluation of Chinese Academic Journal(CD) at the end of last century,the "textnote"was given up,which was inconvenient to the academic thesis,especially to the writing of social science academic thesis about ancient books.After the issue of Edit Norm for China University Social Science Journal and Regulation for Reference Literature Bibliography after the Text,some problems are appearing gradually.We should research the meaning and value of the textnote in the reference literature indexing energetically,hence make it play the special role in the process of standardization,normalization and internationalization of our Chinese academic journals by the compaction and improvement of the textnote and the unification and combination of the reference literature.


