
    On China’s Urbanization and Sustainable Development

    • 摘要: 我国目前正处于城镇化的加速时期。与国外城市化道路不同,中国走的是一条具有中国特色的城镇化道路。从理论上说,城镇化有利于可持续发展,但是在实践中,城镇化与可持续发展也存在着一些矛盾和冲突,需要认真研究,进而从可持续发展的观点规范城镇化进程,采取科学布局、合理规划;规范土地使用、节约土地资源;因地制宜地培育主导产业,创造就业岗位;合理安置失地农民;树立生态观念,加强基础设施建设等措施积极应对。


      Abstract: China is in the process of urbanization acceleration.China’s urbanization is different from the other countries’,which is with Chinese characteristics.From the point of theory,the urbanization is good for sustainable development.But form the point of practice,there are some contradictions and conflicts between the urbanization and sustainable development.We need to research it carefully,from the perspective of sustainable development to standardize the process of urbanization,use the scientifical layout and reasonable plan and standardize the usage of land,save the land resources.We also cultiviate the leading industry to supply the job position,solve the problem of land-loss farmers reasonably,establish the ecology ideas,strengthen the infranstructure construction.


