
    Research on Rural Drinking Water Safety Strategy of Hancheng City in Shanxi Province

    • 摘要: 韩城市水资源较短缺,且时空分布不匀,农村饮水不安全人口占农村人口的58.39﹪,农村饮水安全面临着工程规模小、保证率低、水质不达标、管理不到位等问题。保证农村饮水安全的策略为:保护水源,控制污染;理清思路,合理配置水资源;转变规划理念,提高设计标准;整合资金,加大投入;加强管理,合理收费。农村饮水工作中的主要经验是做好前期工作,实行招投标制和合同管理,强化质量监督和运行管理。


      Abstract: The water resources of Hancheng city is short and the water resources distribution is dispersed.Fifty eight point three nine percent of the rural population drink the unsafe water.The rural drinking water safety faces some peoblems,such as the small project,the low guarantee rate,the unqualified water quality,the unsituable management and so on.The strategies of guranteeing the safety of rural drinking water are: Protecting the water source,controlling the pollution,clearing the thoughts,allocating the water resources rationally,changing the plan idea,improving the design standard,integrating the funds,increasing the investment,strengthening the management and charging the fees reasonablly.The main experiences of rural drinking water job is to do the previous preparation very well,to carry out bidding system,to manage by the contract,to strengthen the quality supervision and operation management.


