
    Research on Existing Problems of Lower Yellow River Dikes

    • 摘要: 分析了黄河下游防洪体系中存在的问题,如临河坑塘、临河堤跟河、近堤洼地、近堤渠道、近堤水井等。指出近堤坑塘极易造成堤基渗漏和管涌,临河堤跟河极易导致顺堤行洪和滚河险情,近堤水井极易形成透水通道。根据先近后远、先深后浅、先背河后临河、先重点后一般的原则,提出解决问题的编制标准。


      Abstract: This paper analyzes the existing problems of flood-control system of lower Yellow River,such as the pond near the river,the dike heel river,the depression near the dike,the channel near the dike,the well near the dike and so on.The pond near the river easily causes the dike base leakage and piping;the dike heel river easily causes the flood and the main channel displacement;the well near the dike easily causes the permeable channel.According to the rules of solving the problems such as,the near dike,the back river and the important parts and so on firstly,this paper also gives us the methods to solve the problems.


