Evidence on Xitan Island of Jiyuan section of Yellow River is Hezhizhou of The Book of Songs. Guanju
摘要: 综合采用地缘分析(周南考证)、史迹分析(河名考证)、物人分析(荇菜与人物考证)方法,证明《诗经·关雎》诞生之地的“河之洲”就是黄河中游今河南省济源市坡头镇西滩村。黄河西滩面积万亩有余,四面环水,自古就是人类居住的滩涂绿洲,地近洛邑而民风淳朴,是产生优美情歌的上佳土壤。如今,随着黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程和西霞院反调节水库的建成,在西滩实施堆岛工程,再造了一个200余亩新西滩。Abstract: By geography analysis(Zhounan evidence),historical site analysis(river name evidence) and people analysis(Xinglai and people evidence),this paper proves that Hezhizhou—the birthplace of The Book of Songs.Guanju is the Xitan village of Potou country of Jiyuan city in Henan province.