
    Humane Implication of Five-Character-Poetry of Literati in Late Han Dynasty and Early Weijin Period

    • 摘要: 汉末魏晋动荡乱离的社会现实提供了文学发展的丰厚土壤,文人士子们在诗中或抒发昂扬奋发的热情、显露英雄气概,或抒发壮志未酬的苦闷、失意的无奈,或悲叹时光之飞逝、生命之短暂,或留恋物质生活的享受、流露及时行乐之情,或自然流露男女之情、真诚表白相思之痛,或走向自然、回归自我,或超然物外、追求玄思妙理。这些情感均来自他们的真实感悟和亲身体验,反映了那个时代特有的社会生活,构成汉末魏晋文人五言诗特有的人文意蕴。


      Abstract: The turbulent social reality in the late Han Dynasty and Early Weijin period provides fertile soil for the development of literature.The literati wrote poems to express their true feelings,to song their high enthusiasm and heroic spirit,to gave vent to their gloom for no scope for their ability,to be in agony over failure,to grieved over the time slipping by and the impermanency of life,to confessed their addiction to material life and their carpe diem,to frankly write about love and the pain of lovesickness.In poems,they turned to the nature or returned to themselves,and even made transcendental meditations.These feelings all came out of their true insights and personal experiences,reflecting the typical social life in that time,which ultimately make the unique humanity in the late Han Dynasty and Early Weijin period.


